quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010

New hair color

This was the first time I dyed my hair red ^^ I cut my hair in the tail end of the last month ~ and this photo I do not really know what happened to my hair that was slightly wavy kekek 
I was in that photo with a sleepy face and could not get a decent shot showing my face TT

so yeah, that is it :] 
byee ~

sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2010

Christmas !

Christmas! ~ I really like Christmas, mainly to spend with my family and friends:]
And mostly it is a day where you have lots of food kekeke ~

So .. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all ^

And this is my christmas makeup, it's a simple gold and bronze :

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Orange Caramel - Aing ~

This look is inpired by the second mini album from Orange Caramel, on the music video Aing ~

Minzy - Apa

This look is inspired by 2NE1 maknae Minzy on the music video Apa (It Hurts)

Son GaIn - Irreversible

This look is inspired by Son GaIn from Brown Eyed Girls on her solo music video Irreversible

Dara - Go Away

One more makeup from 2NE1 , yeah.. I really love 2NE1 !~
And this video is inspired by Dara on the music video Go Away :]

Actually it's the same thing of the CL's video but a little bit diferent in the type of the eye liner ^^

CL - Go Away

This look is inspired by 2NE1 CL on the music video Go Away, it's a very simple look just a brown eye shadow and eye liner ~

quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

Park Bom - Can't Nobody

I'm a huge fan from 2NE1 , they are so style that i really like ^^ I'm a YG fan kekeke ~

And this look is inpired by Park Bom on the music video Can't Nobody :

Simple Blue Makeup

This look is very very simple, I really like to use on my every day makeup to put a little bit of color.

Narsha - Piri Popa Makeup

This makeup is inspired by Narsha (Brown Eyed Girls) , not the music video makeup but of one performance ~ It was very fun to do this look because this conception is very crazy and very fun .

Orange Caramel Makeup

Actually most part of my videos are inspired by someone, have one or other look that i created, but yeah.. this makeup is inspired by Orange Caramel on the first mini album ^^

Doll Makeup

This was my first makeup tutorial, it's my doll concetion ~

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Nails, nails ~

That is a little bit what I like to do in my nails ~ sometimes i like to do diferent things on my nails.. so enjoy ^^

First post, first blog.

this is my first blog ^^, long ago I had created a blog..but my posts were totally random kekeke ~
My name is Tieh, i always liked jpop and kpop and I decides to create a channel on youtube with looks inpired by korean singers. Yeah that is it enjooy ~ ^^