sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

My bday presente ^^

Wassup?! birthday is coming!~ yeah! another year older --'  kekekeke
My aunt gave me my birthday present a few days earlier ~ thanks ^^ 

I have other products from maybelline, but these are the gifts that I won ~ More products to my
makeu collection ^^

I don't know if you can see the colors because was staying overnight, that color palette that has matte. And there are some colors that almost do not appear in the photo because the color is ligther.

This pallete contains more glitter, and the colors are slightly darker than the other palette ~

kekeke ^^
God bless you.~

sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011

Secret - Shy Boy makeup tutorial

This look is inspired by Secret new music video Shy Boy :] I liked this concept years 60 ~

with my costume os the years 60 kekeke ~ fail ! :D

My new nails!

Whassup?!  I don't have so much things to do when I'm alone at home, so I decided make my nails! kekeke ~  so ,that is it fun blue nails :]

quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010

New hair color

This was the first time I dyed my hair red ^^ I cut my hair in the tail end of the last month ~ and this photo I do not really know what happened to my hair that was slightly wavy kekek 
I was in that photo with a sleepy face and could not get a decent shot showing my face TT

so yeah, that is it :] 
byee ~

sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2010

Christmas !

Christmas! ~ I really like Christmas, mainly to spend with my family and friends:]
And mostly it is a day where you have lots of food kekeke ~

So .. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all ^

And this is my christmas makeup, it's a simple gold and bronze :

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010